Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Chicken and Our Patio isn't a Dump Anymore!

So let's start with food! I made this recipe tonight for chicken and dumplings and it was ok. But I made dumplings from scratch. It was fun! It was almost exactly like the time I made lasagna noodles. Because I'm a weirdy and I love making things myself that are way easier to just buy at the grocery store. Here's the original photo of the dumplings:

photo credit: Tiffany at Eat at Home

And here's MY version:

Not too far off, huh? Does the fancy caption help? I just learned how to do that today.
So the verdict was that this recipe was good for a random Pinterest dinner. I added some whole milk at the end because it didn't look creamy enough. Actual cream probably would've been better. I like drop dumplings to be more like soup and I prefer these flat kind to be thicker, like you'd get at Cracker Barrel. This was more like a hybrid. Good... just not what I was going for.

Speaking of process. Still decorating the house. We crossed off a "room" on our list: the patio. Behold, second hand furniture and clearance cushions. Yay!!