Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Chicken and Our Patio isn't a Dump Anymore!

So let's start with food! I made this recipe tonight for chicken and dumplings and it was ok. But I made dumplings from scratch. It was fun! It was almost exactly like the time I made lasagna noodles. Because I'm a weirdy and I love making things myself that are way easier to just buy at the grocery store. Here's the original photo of the dumplings:

photo credit: Tiffany at Eat at Home

And here's MY version:

Not too far off, huh? Does the fancy caption help? I just learned how to do that today.
So the verdict was that this recipe was good for a random Pinterest dinner. I added some whole milk at the end because it didn't look creamy enough. Actual cream probably would've been better. I like drop dumplings to be more like soup and I prefer these flat kind to be thicker, like you'd get at Cracker Barrel. This was more like a hybrid. Good... just not what I was going for.

Speaking of process. Still decorating the house. We crossed off a "room" on our list: the patio. Behold, second hand furniture and clearance cushions. Yay!!


  1. Is it beyond weird that I've never had a dumpling? And I had to crack up at your picture. You are so Betty Crocker making your own dumplings and then you bought a rotisserie chicken. I love you, Brittany. (PS. If you can make yourself touch an entire raw chicken, you can just stick that sucker straight in the crockpot. No add-ins, just the chicken. And it works. (Chickens hoard a lot of juice!) I just can't get past touching a chicken that still looks like.... a chicken. I know, I'm a big.... chicken.) ;)

    And I like your picture better than the Pinterest picture. Such a cute font!

    1. I just laughed way too hard for way too long! In my defense, the recipe suggested a rotisserie chicken. I didn't think twice about it! haha

      I love the fact that you remember my aversion to raw meat. Raw meat of every variety is really quite gross. However, I'm happy to report that I love making whole chicken in a crock pot! I saw it on and my favorite thing is the stock you can make with it after the chicken is done. Kelley hates it because it cooks overnight, smells STRONG, and wakes him up feeling hungry in the middle of the night. He makes me put the crock pot in the bathroom on the other side of the house and close the door. Then my linens in the closet smell yummy!

      OH and I should've mentioned in my post that my homemade chicken stock is what totally MADE this recipe. Or saved it from being completely blah.

      I'm thrilled that you like my picture over a legit Pinterest pic. I may just pin mine. ;) I used an app called Studio that lets you do fun stuff.
