Friday, June 12, 2009

Pool, Kabobs, Movies...

Today was a good day. Spent some time at the pool with Lauren & then made dinner with her and Justin. Dinner was ah-mazing. Kabobs on the grill w/ coleslaw and corn on the cob! After dinner we double-dated it up to the movies and saw the Taking of Pelham 123. It was a good movie but wow it had a looot of cussing. Talk about obnoxious. Glad I got to see Kelley tonight though, I wasn't expecting to stay in town long enough to see him again for a while.

So the reason I named my blog Joyful Noise. Pslam 100 :1 tells us to "Make a joyful noise unto the LORD." This doesn't mean God wants to hear us make the cut on American Idol. It means he wants us to just genuinely and joyfully worship Him. This applies not only to music, but to every area of life. I try my best to live each day for God and to remember that everything I do, I do unto Him. I may not be the best at everything I do, but I put the effort into it and do it with joy. This also has a lot of meaning to me right now because of a lot of things I've been dealing with lately. I have to remember to stay JOYFUL, despite circumstances around me. You can't dwell on the stress and let yourself get down.. it's up to us to MAKE every day a good day!

So that's that. I have a lot to look forward to in the next 2 weeks: Starting my job next Monday, getting my first paycheck!!!, Ken's bday weekend in Auburn, trying some new churches in Huntsville, and much more. :) Exciting!! But for now, I'm gonna have to try to go to bed! This week I have GOT to fix my sleep schedule. The goal is to wake up at 7, work out, eat breakfast/shower.. and go to sleep around 10. We'll see about that!


Thursday, June 11, 2009

Just the Beginning

I've decided to start a blog like everyone else in the world. So, first of all: hi!!

I haven't exactly decided what I will write about or if I'll let people see it or not... but I guess for now I'll just write. I love reading people's blogs about cooking, baking, devotionals, scrapbooking, music, and even just the day-to-day things my friends write about. But I couldn't narrow my interests down to one thing, so this will just have to be a mix of everything.

I've been in Enterprise all week, which was unplanned. I meant to only stay last weekend but I'm still here! I moved to Huntsville 2 weeks ago and have already been home for a week. Wow. It almost felt like a vacation to Huntsville more than a permanent move. However, I start my job next Monday the 22nd. It will feel pretty permanent then! I can't wait to get started though. It's boring being unemployed. And, while I am enjoying the time off, I can't say I've taken full advantage of it. I probably should have found productive things to do. I have accomplished a few things: bought all new clothes for work, bought nearly everything I needed for the apartment (furniture mainly), started practicing piano regularly again, unpacked EVERYTHING in one week, and started working out (I use that term loosely).

The move was a lot easier than I expected. I didn't even cry once. I'm pretty proud of that seeing as how I usually have a very difficult time with change. Especially a lot of big changes all at once. The greatest help to me has been having Andrew & Sarah in Huntsville. They have graciously allowed me to hang out with them and go driving into the wee hours of the morning to learn my way around. I would NOT have made it without both of them! I still sometimes wonder if maybe it hasn't hit me yet.. that I might be driving around or lying in bed and realize "omg I LIVE here." I surely hope not. Thankfully I have friends who are there for me any time or the day or night that I can call in the event of such a tragedy.. and they would listen to me no matter how ridiculous I sound. That's just awesome. I love my friends. :)

That's about all I've got tonight. More to come!

Quote for today:
You must do the thing you think you cannot do. - Eleanor Roosevelt