Thursday, June 11, 2009

Just the Beginning

I've decided to start a blog like everyone else in the world. So, first of all: hi!!

I haven't exactly decided what I will write about or if I'll let people see it or not... but I guess for now I'll just write. I love reading people's blogs about cooking, baking, devotionals, scrapbooking, music, and even just the day-to-day things my friends write about. But I couldn't narrow my interests down to one thing, so this will just have to be a mix of everything.

I've been in Enterprise all week, which was unplanned. I meant to only stay last weekend but I'm still here! I moved to Huntsville 2 weeks ago and have already been home for a week. Wow. It almost felt like a vacation to Huntsville more than a permanent move. However, I start my job next Monday the 22nd. It will feel pretty permanent then! I can't wait to get started though. It's boring being unemployed. And, while I am enjoying the time off, I can't say I've taken full advantage of it. I probably should have found productive things to do. I have accomplished a few things: bought all new clothes for work, bought nearly everything I needed for the apartment (furniture mainly), started practicing piano regularly again, unpacked EVERYTHING in one week, and started working out (I use that term loosely).

The move was a lot easier than I expected. I didn't even cry once. I'm pretty proud of that seeing as how I usually have a very difficult time with change. Especially a lot of big changes all at once. The greatest help to me has been having Andrew & Sarah in Huntsville. They have graciously allowed me to hang out with them and go driving into the wee hours of the morning to learn my way around. I would NOT have made it without both of them! I still sometimes wonder if maybe it hasn't hit me yet.. that I might be driving around or lying in bed and realize "omg I LIVE here." I surely hope not. Thankfully I have friends who are there for me any time or the day or night that I can call in the event of such a tragedy.. and they would listen to me no matter how ridiculous I sound. That's just awesome. I love my friends. :)

That's about all I've got tonight. More to come!

Quote for today:
You must do the thing you think you cannot do. - Eleanor Roosevelt

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