Monday, October 29, 2012

Y'all, it's the Weirdest Thing...

...but I'm ready for Christmas. It's the 1st full day of the 1st cold front and I'm all, "omg Christmas is coming!!" I'm not ready for Christmas day, because obviously I haven't finished gift shopping, and the 25th of Dec means the whole shindig is done. I'm ready for the entire season of cooler weather, decorating, baking, people being generally nice to each other just because, and Christmas CARDS!! It's still October... weird?? Maybe. ;)

This weekend was a bust. Auburn had something like the worst loss or gave up the most points or had the worst point spread - you get it - since 1917. Clearly Kelley wasn't in the best of moods. Not to mention we got halfway to Auburn and realized our tickets were in Madison. Sooooo we weren't even AT the game. Neither were 80% of the other ticket holders, apparently, judging by the views of the stadium on camera. I'm sure the misty, cold weather didn't help.

I always feel so super accomplished when I actually do/make anything I have pinned on Pinterest. Such as, dinner tonight! I think this one may have been a suggested pin from Jenn a hundred years ago (or one) when she first forced me to join the site. WHY couldn't you have forced me before my wedding. The millions of options I could have been faced with for every little small decision... it could've been great! :p Back to dinner. It's this White Cheddar Chicken Pasta and it was GOOD.

And now, unfortunately, I'm about to freeze my patootey off trying to get ready for work in 8 minutes because I remembered that I didn't complete/post this blog last night! Work = ugh!!


  1. Ooh! Was it good? I haven't made it yet, even though I probably told you that you must MAKE IT NOW! It sure LOOKS good though, huh?

    I'm already consumed with Christmas cards. But I won't let myself look at any until I get the pictures first. Don't know where these pictures are gonna come from, but I am determined to get them. haha :)

  2. That chicken looks so good! I might have to add it to my menu for the week!

    I AGREE!!! I joined pinterest a few months after my wedding and NOW I find all kinds of great ideas! I'm already planning my second wedding (to the same person) so I can use all my pinterest wedding ideas! :)
