Sunday, October 21, 2012

It Was a Wonderful Day Full of Nothingness

This weekend was so busy!! I went to Enterprise to do Lauren's party and the Boll Weevil Festival. The festival would've probably been more fun if I had time to walk around and see other people's booths. So to reward myself for all the hard work. I did NOTHING today and it was glorious. Kelley had to work, and we haven't settled on a church yet in Madison, so I stayed home this morning. (Sorry, babe!) I slept in, watched this week's episode of the Office, took a nap... loved it. Now it's after 8 and I have that lazy feeling - you know, that one when you're suddenly inspired to do stuff but it's almost bedtime and you can't. Yeah. I did end up cooking dinner. That counts for something, right?

Do you watch the Walking Dead? I'm about to get grossed out again, like every Sunday at 8pm. But I just. keep. watching. Or in this case, 8:20. Because who wants to watch commercials?! OH and I just remembered that Kelley picked up Blizzards for us to eat after dinner. Yes!!


  1. Yessssss!!!! You are only one post away from being tied with posts from 2009 and 2011. (What in the heck happened in 2010??) Do 2 more posts and you will have blogged in 2012 more than ANY OTHER YEAR EVER. I am so excited to be your first ever reader. Unless you are posting to fb too, in which case, you might have some creepers too. ;)

  2. Jenn and I went for a walk this morning and she was all, "BRITTANY WROTE ANOTHER POST!!" lol.

    I love The Office. I'm only on season 5 though (I jumped on the boat late) so I have some catching up to do. I love Jim and Pam. Jim by himself is pretty good too. ;)
