Sunday, February 10, 2013

In which I explain a couple of projects that took way too long

Sometimes I get myself into these new projects. A lot of them. All at the same time. I get overwhelmed and start something new so that I can procrastinate the hard stuff. I complete the new project to make myself feel better about the unfinished things on my list. I hate it, but it happens. Last weekend, though, I finally finished 2 of them! And the heavens opened up and angels were singing.

First off, Jenn sent me t-shirts last November, as in 2011, to make into something useful. Like a quilt.

In process
Fancy Corners, Bad Tension, Binding Cheater

I had made a couple of small projects and thought that meant I could make ANYthing. But with all that confidence I still got intimidated once I cut all of the shirts out into pretty squares... This was going to be big enough for a twin bed! I got to sewing on it and, a year and 3 months later, I can finally say those shirts once again are in Jennifer's hands and will keep her cozy on the couch!

My friendship with Jennifer is proven by
how many of the same t-shirts we have... 

We did a lot together... Anchor Club, American Studies,
Honor Roll, and good ol' Hamil Heat (which will won't talk about)

It was also a feat to fit the whole thing in this box.
Second project checked off would be the painted china cabinet. Didn't take a year but it probably took 4 months.

Couldn't park in the garage for probably the
coldest week of the season. Real smart, I know.

It also took sanding, priming, and 5 coats of 2 different white paints. Oh, and the hardware transformation from a dark brass to a brushed nickel finish. That's some pretty cool spray paint, I will say. And the end result is oh-so worth all of the work! I'm about to start on the table and chairs (plus upholstery) next. I can't wait to see the whole room put together!

Looks like I'm not willing to part with
enough dinner plates from the kitchen...

oooooh, light! And a kitty. ;)
And now on to the other items in my queue: cleaner eating, couponing (to afford cleaner eating), reading through the Bible in a year, painting the other 10 rooms in our house, reupholstering several chairs, painting more furniture, quilting a lap throw out of fabric from my wedding, fix and use my elliptical, practice piano/sax more often and possibly join church orchestra again, start this year's garden.... This list never ends! There is so much I want to do!

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