Thursday, August 29, 2013

Well, Here's an Update

Last week or two ago, I shared my little logo with you... In case you forgot, here it is again!

I love it so much! Thanks to sweet Megan over at Bishop Place Handmade, I have a whole bunch of adorable graphics! I am so. excited. :)

Wanna see the rest? Take a peek over at my new shop. Also take note - it's located at Got myself a fancy pants website name. I'll be announcing it to the rest of the world in the morning, so consider yourself special! Because you are! 

PS - I am also working up a few tutorials to post in the near future!


  1. I am thinking now that I didn't comment on your last post because I read it on my phone, but I LOVE the design and I am so so excited for you!!!!

    1. Thanks!! :) My phone doesn't allow me to comment - super annoying!
