Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Quilty Things and a Little News

Here's a throwback to my first quilted project. I made it in fall of 2010 (look! not even an engagement ring yet!). This tube of cuteness is still hanging out on my laundry room doorknob, dispensing plastic grocery bags every time I need to change out the bathroom trash. Such a lovely project for such a practical purpose... I know, I'm crazy like that. Or as my mom might say, "life's too short to get grocery bags out of an ugly dispenser." 

Here's mine and my mom's in progress. Hers is whichever looks more perfect.
I was so proud that all of my squares lined up! Then I went straight to town and bought a car that afternoon. Memories.

Here we have the quilt I wrapped up this week! I guess I still like pink and green. ;) This is another quilt made from my wedding table runners. I finally dove in and did some hand-stitched binding. Really, I don't know why I've been so afraid of it. It was easier and far quicker than I ever would have guessed! I mentally prepared to be stitching this every evening on the couch for a couple of weeks. It took a total of 3 hours stretched over 2 nights. Maybe with practice it would go even faster. 

Pretty little corner.
I'm obsessed with bunting!!
Pieced together the back. You can see the outline of the bunting, as this was the only place I quilted together all 3 layers. So far I don't think it's an issue at all having the rest unquilted. The batting has enough friction with the cotton fabric to keep the layers from separating.
I'm in love! With my quilt, my wedding, and my sewing room!
Is the suspense getting to you yet? WHERE IS THE NEWS. I've decided to create an online shop for some of my quilts and sewing projects. My mom is also planning to contribute quilt projects and crochet creations. I will add a link as soon as the shop is ready and will be probably sharing my blog to link people to my site. I guess I'm ready to open up to more than a couple of people (literally). So, what do ya think??

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