Friday, September 11, 2015

Happy very first birthday, my sweet girl, Haley! Daddy and I are so proud to call you “ours.” What a lovely disposition you have. We don’t believe in “bad” babies, but we know for a fact that you are a good one! You have been easy on us in so many ways. In one year, I have learned more about life than the previous 27 years combined. God has truly shown us what sacrificial love is by giving you to us. We hope to do our earthly best at portraying this love to you in the same way the Father loves each of His children.

A few of the lessons I have learned:

1)    Accept help! Let go of pride and let people help you when they offer. I’ll even go one step further. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Some people don’t have the gift of perceiving your needs but would still be just as willing to assist you as someone who offers. Pride says you can do it on your own. Babies remind you that we can’t afford to be prideful.

2)    Sleep when the baby sleeps. No, really. Daddy and I have decided that there is something that, biologically, forces a mama to neeeeeeed sleep when there is a sleeping baby lying in her arms. I think the Lord knows that Mama needs sleep and gives us those opportunities to rest. Don’t feel guilty about not doing the dishes or picking up the house. Remember #1? The first year gets increasingly easier, though the first few months feel like the beginning of forever. After so long, you’ll look back and realize you have more chances to catch up and the early days were so, so short. If you don’t rest, you’re more likely to stress and not enjoy the moments of peace and joy that everyone is urging you to embrace. You may think your baby never sleeps. All the more reason to take advantage of the small naps!

3)    Have mercy! I have learned to judge a lot less and to have grace on others more often. There were many times that I missed a commitment or obligation that I truly wish I had been able to keep. I had to step down from volunteer roles. I struggled in areas that I didn’t share with the general public. In these moments, I’m sure the general public drew conclusions about us that seemed obvious but were very wrong (we are lazy, we are unable to cope with life with a new baby, we should be able to do XYZ without a problem but we just don’t want to). Minding our own business has never been more important as when we want other people out of our own! Don’t think that you know the best way for other families just because of your own narrow experiences.

4)    Change of mind, change of plans! Our priorities have shifted in ways that cut out all unnecessary fluff. The term “unnecessary” also gets redefined into tighter interpretation. Those commitments I have had to back out of? They weren’t more important than my or your health. Those volunteer roles that I still get asked when I’ll be returning to… I don’t have an answer because I simply don’t know when I will feel able again. We all make time for what we really want. It’s true. It hurts to hear, but we all do it. There are a ton of things that we would all love to do but don’t. That’s either because we don’t allocate the time, money, or resources because there are more important things to us at the time that we are dedicating those resources to. It doesn’t mean you should feel guilty. Just be aware because it helps you have grace on people who don’t do the things that you wish they would do.

5)    Help your friends! I wish that I knew then what I know now. I wasn’t the best helper to my friends who had babies before I did. I love my friends, but I had no idea how to help them. I didn’t even realize how much my help might have been appreciated. If you don’t know how you can help someone who is drowning in responsibility, ask them how you can help (back to #1 again). If they won’t give you a way to help them, there are a lot of generic ways. Everyone loves a meal and dinnertime keeps happening every single day in every household. Take your friends a meal! For a new baby, because they’re sick, for any reason! Offer to run errands. Pick their kids up from school to alleviate one thing on their to-do list. If you’re really close – offer to wash their pump parts. They will likely sing your praises.

6)    Don’t have any expectations. That way, you’ll just be pleasantly surprised no matter what happens. Expectations bring disappointment. This one isn’t baby-related as much as it is just related to the last few years for us, but important advice we’ve received, all the same.

7)    Every mom thinks their baby is the cutest. It’s true, Haley. You are the most beautiful baby I have ever seen in my life! It helps that you look just like Daddy, whom I also happen to love dearly. When I look at your sweet baby face, belly, and toes, I can’t help but feel full to the brim with joy. When you lean over to give me kisses, it spills over into full laughter. Having you is a joy so complete.

By now you are wondering where your stats and achievements are! In no particular order, here are some highlights of your year:

We made it to one year of breastfeeding! This is a feat that I’m particularly proud of. I’m so grateful that my close friends and family are on the same page, making a large support system. We struggled past a tongue tie and lip tie (translation: immense pain for me, weight loss for you in the critical first weeks) and managed to persevere together. It has been a dream ever since week 5 when you had your ties revised. I will always be a huge advocate for breastfeeding and find great joy in helping other new moms meet their goals if at all possible.

Took your first steps on your birthday!! Hated your cake.

Weighing in at 18lb 0oz. and measure about 30in tall. We are upgrading you to your convertible car seat for good tomorrow!

You can say: Dada, uh-uh (for uh-oh), squeals for “meow,” and the occasional mamamama.

Baby wearing is one of the best ways to comfort you – it almost always puts you immediately to sleep. You’ve also started going for walks with me in the jogging stroller and enjoy seeing the neighborhood and kids playing outside!

Cloth diapers are working well for us. I’m thankful that daycare accepts them! They save us a lot of money but they’re mostly more comfortable for you and much, much cuter. ;)

Have traveled to Enterprise, AL (4.5hr); Atlanta, GA (3.5hr); Charleston, SC (7hr); Austin, San Antonio, and Corpus Christi, TX (16hr+).

Got 2 bottom teeth at 9m and stuck with those until 2 weeks before your birthday when the top 2 broke through.

Your favorite foods are your least favorite foods a day later, so that’s hard to keep up with. However, sweet potatoes have been a consistent favorite! That and shredded cheese. You love to feed yourself with and without a spoon.

The learning table that Jenny, Brian, and Colby got you for Christmas has been a constant hit for several months, now. You also enjoy your peekaboo, push walker, blocks, Ella, and Haley-sized chairs. You’ve been caught entertaining yourself by covering and uncovering your mouth while saying “ahhhhhhhh.” Well, that, and blowing raspberries! When you do something awesome, you love to clap and hear “yaaaaaay, Haley!” The proud smile on your face is priceless! You’ve been waving hello and bye-bye for a long time now, but your little pageant wave NEVER gets old!! Neither do your kisses. They are the sweetest thing I think I’ve ever seen!

In the whole year, you’ve had one fever at 104.5, but nothing really came of it. Eventually the fever passed and you were back to yourself in no time! You’re such a healthy baby!

Normal bedtime for you is about 7-7:30pm. Bath time is finally enjoyable within the last month, now that you’ve figured out splashing. The last 3 weeks, you’ve changed your once-wonderful sleeping habits. I think it has a lot to do with your top 2 teeth breaking through and learning to walk right now. Lullabies have helped immensely! You go RIGHT to sleep. We just can’t KEEP you asleep. Your little mind has so much going on.

You’ve never, ever liked a pacifier. Sometimes I wish you did, but then again, we’d have to take it from you later anyway.

You were dedicated at our home church, Lindsay Lane Baptist Church, in Athens, AL, on April 19, 2015, alongside your friends Andrew Jeter and Harrison Ethridge.

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