Friday, February 18, 2011

This one's for you, Jenn!!

So, my bff Jenn so kindly informed me last week that I had a blog - who knew?! You'd think I would have known... but, after creating this page, I promptly forgot how to get to it. Or maybe I never tried again. Not really sure. But it wouldn't hurt to post something every now and then!

Today I found my wedding dress!! Yayy!! I plan on ordering it early next week. I found it last week and was finally able to take my mom and one of my bridesmaids, Rebekah, with me to check it out. I kind of also wanted to see if I still loved it a week later. I had to make sure I wasn't storing a "perfect" dress in my memory and that it really is still wonderful in person!! Well, it was! And the company that makes the dress says the change I want to make will work. We're in business! Afterward, we walked from the shop for lunch at a quaint little place called Cahoots. The quiche was pretty great. It was so much fun having girl time!

John John's Jewelers was kind enough to return my ring to me after sizing it for the last couple days. I've heard stories of jewelers taking WEEKS to resize their rings - I am so glad that didn't happen to me. They actually only took 2 or 3 days, but because they are in Birmingham and I live/work in Huntsville, I had to wait until my next day off to retrieve it (and make sure they didn't make it twelve sizes too small!). I was very worried that it would fit... but apparently these people make a living on jewelry and they knew exactly what they were doing. Thank God! I'm so happy to have it back. And that it doesn't slide all the way around my finger any more.

After all of this excitement, Kelley tells me we've got reservations for a fancy date tonight. What a sweet fiance!! Thankfully, I had already planned on looking semi-cute today and it didn't take much to get ready. It turned out to be quite the swanky place - dinner was excellent. :) I have had a good day!!

That's it for day 1 of my 4-day weekend. I'm not so sure that the next 3 can measure up now that the bar has been set so high! We'll see :)

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