Wednesday, March 16, 2011

free time... what IS that?

So... I joined a gym last week! I've been working out and/or running regularly for almost a month now and I'm not hating it! Never thought I would say that. But tonight I was exhausted, so I took a night off at the gym in order to go to church. But the problem is that I underestimated just HOW exhausted I am. I came home from work about 4:50 and had to force myself not to go straight to bed!! I watched an episode of The Office and started coming up with things to do. I mean, really... I'm never at HOME on a weeknight long enough to do anything but climb in bed. That means that there is laundry to do, clothes to be packed because I leave town tomorrow, 50 emails to respond to, facebook to check... and I got a little crazy - I decided to have a girly night after I'm done cleaning this place. It will include some fingernail polish and exfoliant among other exciting things that make a girl pretty.

Just noticing I have done an awful job at starting my blog both times now... It will get better!! And maybe then I will share my link with people. :p

Uh-oh! Just realized I'm missing American Idol! Off to start from the beginning on the dvr (love that thing) and start my long list of things to do in an hour!

1 comment:

  1. Busy lady!!

    It's fun when you get time to yourself but then there is so much that you want to do, you have no clue where to start! I get that way and by the time I figure out what I want to do, my "me time" is up. :P So I've started lists (as OCD as that sounds) so that when free time presents itself, I am armed with my choices and I don't waste my time. :) :) :)
