Monday, August 5, 2013

Furlough Monday, 5th Edition

I've built myself an action-packed to-do list for today. And so far this is where we're at. Sitting at the computer with a cat in my lap. Don't be surprised; she is never far from my reach. Or, should I say, she is never far from sitting on top of / in front of whatever she thinks has my attention at the moment.

But, we did have a busy weekend. I tried a new, healthy recipe:

Recipe: Roasted {Summer} Vegetable Pasta - 100 Days of Real Food

Kelley picked all of his veggies out and ate them on the side, citing that he prefers his "spaghetti" to be separate as his reason. Although there were spaghetti noodles and a jar of tomato sauce, not much else resembled spaghetti. I added a chicken breast to his serving and there were veggies. That qualifies this as a dish other than spaghetti. But, hey... the boy loves spaghetti and he ate all of this meal. Success!

I've been working on a couple of projects this week as well. However, I haven't used my sewing room yet. Maybe I'll remedy that this afternoon!

Quilt that I plan to send to my Uncle Rick who has been in the ICU lately following a liver transplant. I hope it's not too girly, but there's not much else I can do. Can't go visit in the hospital since he lives halfway around the world (Munich).

Bunting quilt made from table runners my mom made for my wedding. This is my first quilt that I get to keep! 

I also have a giant Ziploc bag full of t-shirts to begin cutting and quilting for a future tutorial, so stay tuned for that one.

While I was working away on that bunting quilt Saturday (so proud - I accomplished every bit of it except the binding in ONE afternoon!), Kelley helped my dad work on the pergola in my parents' backyard. Sunday after church, Kelley had told a sweet lady he works with that she could come over and give us Mary Kay facials. Did you catch that? "Us." haha Apparently she needed a couple more facials to meet a goal this month and he wanted to help her out. I thought it was sweet. And I had fun, so win-win! Of course she also tells him all about the 30 people under her and how she makes up for her husband's lost income after a disability. All by selling make up. And he's sitting there all like, "hey, Brittany can sell MK and we can both quit our day jobs..." LOL He supported me in my Willow House endeavor, even when the company announced that they were shutting down the home decor division one week after I joined to sell home decor. He thought I was super at it and really admired that I was wiling to put in the extra work. So, I think he'd be thrilled if I picked something up again at some point. But, I am thinking I have too many other commitments. I've also been on a natural/organic kick lately. And I haven't found a ton of info about MK products (still looking). I may not have switched everything I use yet in the household, but we make new substitutions all of the time and are definitely headed in a healthier direction every time I head to the store!

I will say that, if nothing else, we got a CLEAN house out of having company Sunday afternoon. Which is why I'm not cleaning this morning!! :) So what else is on my list today? Hit up Isom's Farmer's Market and Fresh Market for a couple of things (because 2 is how many things I can afford at Fresh Market), quilt, work out, shower at some point before Kelley gets home, try this recipe in my latest clearance find, attempt a new bread recipe in the bread maker, and start disassembling my next upholstery project:

Looks like I had better get to work!!!

1 comment:

  1. Love the bones on that chair and obvs cannot wait to see what cute fabric you put on it. :) And I cracked up at the thought of Kelley getting a facial from an older lady! So sweet.
